Thank you, Collin County!
Dear friends:
In May 2019, I was re-elected to the Place 5 seat on the Collin County Community College District Board of Trustees and I am currently serving a six-year term in office.
I hope to keep guiding Collin College‘s unparalleled progress in creating student success and building the workforce of the future and to continue my service to the community. Thank you all for your continued support.
Please help me spread the word by sharing this message on your personal timeline and forwarding it via phone calls, emails, Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets to voters in Collin County!
Let me take a moment to share with you my vision for Collin College, and the reason I am serving as your current Collin College Trustee, in Place 5.
There are three phrases people in the community use most when describing me:
- Strategic Thinker
- Consensus Builder
- Community Leader
Those phrases have rung true, throughout my history in Collin County. Not only in serving you as a current member of the Collin College Board of Trustees, but also in service on many local boards and committees within the county. I am committed to continuing to demonstrate those qualities as your Collin College Trustee, Place 5.
Let me explain.
A passion for community service and a vision for Collin College that will ultimately make Collin County a better place are two of the main reasons for me to run in this election.
My experience in working out differences and helping to build consensus has been a hallmark of my civic service. I consider myself very fortunate to be living and working in Collin County – consistently rated one of the best places in the country to live, work, and play; and I want to deliver the best of my capabilities and experience to make this a better community for all.
Remember to follow my campaign on Facebook and on Twitter. I look forward to keeping the conversation going, and to your continued support.
Towards a better future for all of us in Collin county,